sprinkler system

sprinkler system
система орошения

Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "sprinkler system" в других словарях:

  • sprinkler system — n. 1. a system of pipes and attached nozzles carrying water or other extinguishing fluid throughout a building for protection against fire: it usually operates automatically when exposed to abnormal heat 2. a system of pipes and nozzles, often… …   English World dictionary

  • sprinkler system — noun a system for extinguishing fires; water from a network of overhead pipes is released through nozzles that open automatically with the rise in temperature • Hypernyms: ↑system • Part Meronyms: ↑nozzle, ↑nose, ↑siamese, ↑siamese connection * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • sprinkler system — system of water hoses which can be automatically activated …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Sprinkler system timer — A sprinkler system timer is an electrical device that is used to set an irrigation sprinkler system to come on automatically at a certain time. Irrigation timers first appeared in the early 1960s to control large radius lawn sprinklers, which at… …   Wikipedia

  • sprinkler system — apparatus for automatically extinguishing fires in a building, consisting of a system of water pipes in or below the ceilings, with valves or sprinklers usually made to open automatically at a certain temperature. [1880 85] * * * ▪ fire control… …   Universalium

  • sprinkler system — /ˈsprɪŋklə sɪstəm/ (say springkluh sistuhm) noun 1. a system of ceiling pipes in a building with valves which open automatically at certain temperatures, used for extinguishing fires. 2. a system of pipes, etc., for watering gardens and lawns …  

  • sprinkler system — noun Date: circa 1909 a system for protecting a building against fire by means of overhead pipes which convey an extinguishing fluid (as water) to heat activated outlets …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sprinkler system — sprin′kler sys tem n. bui a system for automatically extinguishing fires in a building, consisting of overhead water pipes with outlet valves that open at a certain temperature • Etymology: 1880–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • sprinkler system — An overhead arrangement of water pipes and sprinklers, constructed and maintained in a building as a protection against fire, water being turned on automatically upon a rise in temperature consequent to the starting of a fire …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Fire sprinkler system — A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection measure, consisting of a water supply, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected. Although historically only used… …   Wikipedia

  • Sprinkler — may refer to: Irrigation sprinkler, a device for irrigation of lawns or crops Fire sprinkler system, the entire systems of pipes and sprinklers intended for fire suppression within buildings Fire sprinkler, a device for fire suppression within… …   Wikipedia

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